Of Blue Check Negros & the Nuclear Family

Omowale Afrika
13 min readMay 21, 2017


White Supremacy’s Chosen Few Proudly wear their Badge of Blue

The presence of Negroes in America today is usually considered as a “plight” of the nation... Usually it is pointed out that Negroes fare better and meet less prejudice when they are few in number… This is a goal difficult to reach by approved means… The only possible way of decreasing the Negro population is by means of controlling fertility.

~ Gunnar Myrdal; An American Dilemma: Volume I

White Supremacy & The Destruction of the Black Family

Black Twitter was set ablaze last weekend after the most recent episode of GrapeVineTV: Hoteps & The Gay Agenda. As always, this very sensationalized, and thought provoking millennial panel delivered on their goal of getting the people talking; and the timeline was completely dominated by the discussion.

Whenever these debates arise, I notice a tendency on the part of bourgeoisie “educated” Negros, to use the Nuclear Family as a straw-man to deflect from the actual argument: the Black Family is under siege. Given their Mis-Education, most blue check Negros (BCNs) lack the range to engage in the siege theory of Black destruction. Instead of debating the claim, they resort to straw-mans, emotional appeals, or Ad Hominem attacks. In spite of the well documented history of ethnic cleansing among nations that are politically dominated by white people**, BCNs choose to ignore these inconvenient truths. Their ignorance helps them to cope with the cognitive dissonance associated with the desire to integrate into a society that is clearly seeking to kill them.

** I use the term “white people” here, because most BCNs like to engage in struggles with invisible systems of oppression, as it allows them to avoid confronting their true opponent, white oppressors. Systems are upheld by institutions, and institutions are managed by people; which is why BCNs seeking integration into white society continue to beg, grovel, and protest for whites to stop oppressing them (i.e. The Fight for Good Whites).

Cultural Anxiety

The enslaved African population has always represented a captive nation on American soil. At the start of the 19th century, during the 1st industrial revolution, the question naturally arose: how do we deal with our enslaved Africans, as their labor grows less vital to the overall health of the American economy?

Folks like Henry Clay, one of the early organizers of the American Colonization Society, sought to reduce the slave population through repatriation. In fact, Abraham Lincoln, as late as 1865, sent New York State Senator, Dan Sickles, to South America to scout out lands for this purpose. In places like South Carolina, the white population was heavily outnumbered, in some cases, as much as 5 to 1. This disparity in numbers was the cause of heightened fear throughout the American south. Slave owners worried that if slavery suddenly ended — there would be retribution, and rightfully so!

Heightened anxiety unified southern white conservatives and northern white liberals around one central issue: decreasing the slave population. Just as Slavery was initially sanctified by religion; the concept of racial inferiority was sanctioned and codified using “science”. With the 1859 release of Charles Darwin's — On the Origins of Species, white society had the means necessary to biologically reduce the Black race to sub-human. This book was the propaganda needed to assuage politicians of their guilt from culling a race of people as if they were deer.

By Way of Deception

Come, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there come upon us any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so escape out of the land. ~ Exodus 1:10

Much like the biblical slaves canonized in the old testament, the formerly enslaved African populations, throughout the Americas, represent a hostile domestic threat just by way of their existence. In siege warfare, there are two methods to attack and conquer an enemy nation: Attrition and or Assault. In places like Colombia and Brazil, the latter of the two methods has proven effective, so State sponsored, extrajudicial killings are far more rampant among their African populations. However, in the United States, outright ethnic cleansing is bad for public relations, so we’ve developed an arsenal of tactics to eliminate the African population through protracted engagement.

The U.S. government relies heavily upon attrition to achieve this goal. Through the use of token integration, the U.S. is able to signal advances in race relations, while simultaneously manipulating legislative and economic policies against its African masses. What’s more nefarious about attrition, as noted in the excerpt below, victims of such attacks are gas lit by their own race, into believing that they’re paranoid when they cry out, “there’s an agenda at work to destroy the Black Family!”.

The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it. When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up. ~ Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

The Purge of Black Men

To ensure the conquering nation maintains physical dominance over the captive population, the most intense attacks are always aimed at the men. For instance, in the year 1969, at the height of the Black Power movement, the Federal government intensified its war on the Black community. According to Mutulu Shakur, captive political prisoner, and husband to Afeni Shakur, there were over 700 politically-motivated federal indictments, and 45 political assassinations by the end of 1969 (The most famous being the Assassination of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark on December 4). The lion share of these political killings and arrests were Black men.

To further suppress political uprisings, the federal government deployed a long range strategy aimed at preventing black youth from adopting radical Black Nationalists politics. Throughout the 70's, black youth were bombarded with heroin (chemical warfare), and toxic media images to disorient their consciousness, and lull them back to sleep (psychological warfare: Drug & Pimp culture for Black men/ Plantation erotica & prostitute culture for Black women). By the year 1980, the Black Male youth population had been completely decimated!

1980: By the numbers

For every 100 Black women, ages…

14 & Under — 102 Black Men

14 to 24 — 96 Black Men

25 to 44 — 84 Black Men

Note: This is without accounting for Homosexual Black Men, and the rates of suicide, homicide, and imprisonment detailed below.

In 1980, Black men ages 17–33 represented:

The largest Suicide rate

The largest Homicide rate

The largest Institutional rate (e.g. Prisons & Mental health facilities)

When you adjust the Female to Male ratio to account for these factors, there were approximately 55 functional Black Men for every 100 Black women of childbearing age.

This is before Ronald Reagan’s CRACK & HIV assaults, and Bill & Hillary Clinton’s Mass Incarceration initiative.

Over the next two decades, the federal government maintained their chemical and psychological attacks on Black Youth, while uplifting symbolic Black tokens to keep them politically distracted. During this period, America saw an explosion in her twin institutions of imprisonment: the penitentiary for Black men, and the University for Black women.

In University’s today, Black women lament the lack of participation from strong and masculine Black men. While the lack of Black male presence is a clear result of political genocide, most “educated” black women view it as abandonment. This perceived dereliction of duty on the part of Black men is not by their own doing, but the result of a carefully calculated campaign to remove them from the picture.

The Education of Black Women

And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive. ~ Exodus 1:22

The education given to Black women is perhaps the most sinister element in the scheme to cull the Black population. Just as the Black man is manipulated into playing a direct role in his own genocide, the Black women is “educated” into assisting the State, indirectly. White liberals have always used the Black women's “education” as the proverbial stone to kill two birds: 1. the Black women's fertility; and 2. her relationship with Black men.

For example, In June of 1934, Margaret Sanger, the famed eugenicists and founder of Planned Parenthood, wrote an article in the Crisis Magazine titled, The Case for Birth Control. She concludes the article with an emotional appeal to Black Women, by beckoning them to throw off their chains of oppression:

“In her ignorance she brings forth her children and is enslaved as the black race never was enslaved. Where is another Abraham Lincoln to free her?”

As always, white liberals masquerade as angels of light, but the gifts they bare are replete with the seeds of our destruction. If you examine the results of Black Women’s, so-called, liberation you’ll be faced with a grim picture of the future for Black life in America.

2016: By the numbers

Black Women Collectively…

Account for the majority of U.S. Abortions

Account for the majority of U.S. Hysterectomies

Are the fastest growing segment of the Prison Industrial complex

Are the most educated demographic in the U.S.**

** There is an indirect relationship between education and birth rates, which also speaks to Americas need for Black women to be the most educated demographic.

Note: According to a recent report from Pew Social and Demographic Trends, US Born black women had the strongest birth-rate decline from 1990 to 2010. Over this 20 year period, Black birth rates dropped by an astounding 29%. What’s most alarming about this decline in Birth rates is that our rate of replacement has now fallen below 2. Why is this alarming?! Well, we are no longer replacing ourselves as a group, which means our population numbers are gradually going the way of the “Indians”.


Education itself isn’t inherently evil, but it must be judged by the outcome it produces for the student, not the teacher. Using this criteria it becomes immediately apparent that the Black women’s “education” was never intended for her own benefit, but for the benefit of white society.

“Let NO ONE inoculate you with evil doctrines to suit his own conveniences!” ~ Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Let’s delve deeper…

Over the past 40 years, Black students that have gone through the social sciences have received a form of education that closely mirrors political indoctrination. During the 60’s cultural revolution, a Jewish thinker by the name of Herbert Marcuse, shaped the consciousness of an entire generation of youth that would come to be known as the “New Left”. Marcuse believed that a Marxist Utopian society would not be achieved by the working class, but would instead be led by a coalition of marginalized identities, which includes Blacks, Feminists, and homosexuals.

Marcuse's concepts of liberation and oppression have found their greatest form of expression in today’s intersectional feminist movement. The overwhelming majority of Blue Check Negros, who are not entertainers, are proponents of this philosophy. If you’ve ever heard the saying, “my enemies enemy is my friend”, its the perfect axiom to describe the relationship between the Black Family, BCNs, and white supremacy.

BCNs are complicit in white society's desire to destroy the Black family. Rather than admit this, they’ll use straw-men such as the Nuclear Family or the Moynihan report, to avoid revealing that they too desire the destruction of our families. The reality is, BCNs “educated” in the tradition of intersectional feminism, have taken a silent oath to dismantle all “isms”.

So how does this relate to the Black Family?

For Black women seeking to integrate into white society, there are two “isms” that they must contend with: Sexism and Racism. Just as racism is the system of oppression upheld by white supremacy, sexism is the system of oppression upheld by patriarchy. In Marxist thought, the institution of family is believed to be the last bastion of patriarchy. Marxist ideologues adamantly believe that if we eliminate the institution of family, we’ll eliminate patriarchy, and if we eliminate patriarchy, we’ll eliminate sexism.

In this new Utopian society, the government will replace family as the societal institution that sustains and nourishes life (The same government that is currently seeking to kill us). Arcane concepts such as gender, “earning a living”, and sexuality, all oppressive in nature, will be done away with, and everyone will receive a Basic Income for their survival. If you pay attention to social trends, you’ll notice an uptick in BCNs endorsing this Utopian ideal future. Whenever I see, so-called, leaders pushing government dependency as a road to Black liberation, I’m reminded of the famed words from the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey:

“Any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race is a leadership that will enslave you!”

Let’s bring it full circle…

European thinkers have always relied on European theories to accompany each phase of European domination. During the 1st industrial revolution, Thomas Malthus’s, Essay on Population, was the thinking behind the desire to reduce the American slave population. Now that we’ve entered the 4th industrial revolution, Herbert Marcuse’s, Essay on Liberation, is the dominant thought behind the shaping of the New Society.

In this New Utopian society, we are once again forced to contend with our old friend, POPULATION. What’s painfully obvious about this liberated world, free of all “isms”, is that it requires a MASSIVE decrease in human life: Black, brown, white, and other. Since we currently live in a society that is politically dominated by white people, we understand which group will be forced to shoulder the burden.

What must be made clear, beyond any doubt, is that BCNs who have adopted a philosophy of intersectional feminism, did not do so to save the masses of Black people, they did so to save themselves. Just as the Black Lives Matter movement uses the murders of Black Men, to center the fight for “Black queer and trans folks”, BCNs are using the backs of the masses as their bridge to White Utopia.

Dubois on BCNs…

At the start of the 3rd Industrial Revolution, W.E.B Dubois completely abandoned the NAACP's program for integration, and the so-called, talented 10th. After seeing the governments neglect of it’s Black “citizenry” during the Great depression, Du Bois was certain that the African masses would never be allowed to integrate into white society. From that moment, he switched his stance on integration, and began to advocate for a program of separation, akin to that of Booker T. Washington, and Marcus Mosiah Garvey. After a long ideological battle with the NAACP, he resigned from the organization in the Summer of 1934. Upon his resignation, Du Bois wrote a sweeping condemnation of white supremacy’s chosen few, for their cowardice, and lack of support for his Black separation program.

Any movement toward such a program is today hindered by the absurd Negro philosophy of Scatter, Suppress, Wait, Escape. There are even many of our educated young leaders who think that because the Negro problem is not in evidence where there are few or no Negroes, this indicates a way out! They think that the problem of race can be settled by ignoring it and suppressing all reference to it. They think that we have only to wait in silence for the white people to settle the problem for us; and finally and predominantly, they think that the problem of twelve million Negro people, mostly poor, ignorant workers, is going to be settled by having their more educated and wealthy classes gradually and continually escape from their race into the mass of the American people, leaving the rest to sink, suffer and die.

We Charge Genocide

I’d like to end this writing by sharing the following excerpt from the 1951 petition that was submitted to the United Nations for the crime of Genocide against the Negro people of the United States. For some of us, it is more than obvious that there is an agenda at work to eradicate the African population in America. For others, their interest are aligned with that of white supremacy, so in spite of all evidence to the contrary, they’ll insist that your talks of genocide are nothing more than “Hotep Paranoia”. These are the same folks who will continue the fight for integration, knowing it will cause the African masses to SINKSUFFER… and DIE

Through this and other evidence we shall prove this crime of genocide is the result of a massive conspiracy, more deadly in that is is sometimes “understood” rather than expressed, a part of the mores of the ruling class often concealed by euphemisms, but always directed to oppressing the Negro people. Its members are so well-drilled, so rehearsed over the generations, that they can carry out their parts automatically and with a minimum of spoken direction. They have inherited their plot and their business is but to implement it daily so that it works daily. This implementation is sufficiently expressed in decision and statute, in depressed wages, in robbing millions of the vote and millions more of the land, and in countless other political and economic facts, as to reveal definitively the existence of a conspiracy backed by reactionary interests in which are meshed all the organs of the Executive, Legislative and judicial branches of government. It is manifest that a people cannot be consistently killed over the years on the basis of “race” — and more than 10,000 Negroes have so suffered death — cannot be uniformly segregated, despoiled, impoverished and denied equal protection before he law, unless it is the result of the deliberate, all-pervasive policy of government and those who control it.

Suggested readings…



Omowale Afrika
Omowale Afrika

Written by Omowale Afrika

Father. Husband. Fighter. Writer. #IWriteWhatILike

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